Alessandro Monari



I am a determined and trustworthy person curious to explore, learn and put into practice whatever involves digital marketing, data and UX/UI design. I am a reliable collaborator, always glad to help my team and drive it to the result.

alessandro monari

Digital Marketing & UX Enthusiast

“To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence.” - Mark Twain

  • Birthday: 7 October 1994
  • Freelance: Available
  • Phone: +39 3515895600
  • City: Mechelen, Belgium

During my working career, I had the chance to work and study in various countries such as Australia, Spain, Italy, and Belgium. These international experiences allow me to be culturally flexible, and apply this flexibility to a working environment. My studies in International communication and media have boosted my international experience while giving me the tools to work in the marketing and communication sector in international settings.


I have experience in a wide range of industries. During my career I had the chance to live and work in various countries; this has granted me extreme flexibility in international working environments and knowledge of different languages.

Different countries experienced

Years of International experience

Years of working experience

Languages spoken


Thanks to my past and present working experiences I have learned a wide range of hard skills which can be applied to several industries and job positions. During my college studies, I have had the chance to practice the main creative tools used in the communication industry.

Zoho CRM 85%
Zoho Analytics 65%
Excel 80%
Google Analytics 70%
Linkedin Sales 80%
Photoshop 65%



Alessandro Monari

Curious and ambitious Digital Marketing Assistant with 1+ years of working experience in the field and 3 years of studying experience in the communication sector. I combine creativity, love for data, and problem-solving to come up with innovative solutions for every challenge I am facing.

  • Zandpoortvest 60, 2800 Mechelen
  • +39 351 58 95 600


Basc. International communication & Media

2020 - 2023

Thomas More hogeschool, Mechelen, BE

Learned a wide spectrum of communication topics and applied these in an international context; Participation to several team projects and brought the experience into a student job in Digital Marketing.

Diploma di Liceo Scientifico

2008 - 2013

Liceo San Vincenzo de' Paoli, Bologna, IT

Studied different subjects related to communication;Received an advanced instruction on mathe- matical, humanistic and artistical subjects.

Professional Experience

Digital Marketing Assistant

2021 - Present

Bundl, Antwerp, BE

  • Manage the CRM of the company
  • Follow-up of LikedIn sales and online communication with customers
  • Pariticipation to team meetings and brain-storming
  • Usage of spreadsheets softwares to generate reports and dashboard useful to the Marketing team

Gap Year

2018 - 2019

Working Holiday Visa, Australia, AU

  • Improved my English language skills.
  • Learned how to work within international environments
  • Worked within various industries: agriculture, construction and hospitality


  • All
  • Print
  • Web
  • Various

Event - Poster


Event - Banner


Event - Flyer




Artist Portrait


Print-ready CV






UX Mockup




Zandpoortvest 60, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium


+39 3515895600

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